The importance of knowing


A day in November 2016 around 1:55pm, at a café in the city of Kamloops, BC. Café Is located in part of a large building that resembles more-or-less a giant concrete cube with large glass windows that make out a corner of the cube. A soft, warm winter light pours through the windows and the temperature may be around 20*C and 24*C. there are bar-style tables that stick to the windows and tall chairs for people to sit and admire the magnificent view of arid Canadian mountains. There are small coffee tables on the floor, around 7 tables in total, 2 of them surrounded by 4 brown vinyl lounge sofas and the others surrounded by 4 small apple-green vinyl lounge chairs. I am sitting in one of the green lounge chairs, facing towards the concrete area of the building, right in front of the coffee shop.  there is a strong, yet pleasant, smell of coffee emanating from my left, where the coffee is being sold. In front of me, right next to the concrete wall, there is a small platform with 3 tables and chairs, and a set of stairs that lead to a 2nd floor. There is also a large row of tables and chairs in the middle of the room, and 2 more tables in front of the platform. People are transiting the place freely



Within my line of sight, there are 3 Players.

Male 1 (codename: Mitch). Approx 19yo, Dirty-blonde straight hair, white skin, skinny, approx 1.65m tall. Mitch is wearing a blue knitted sweater, khaki semi-formal pants and brown loafers. From previous interactions with Mitch, I have noticed he has light-brown eyes. Mitch has a very high-pitched and almost effeminate voice.

Male 2 (codename: Scott). Approx 22yo, Light brown fluffy hair, light beard, white skin, chubby, approx. 1.80m tall. Scott is wearing grey hoodie and black jeans. Scott is wearing glasses. Scott is sitting on the chair next to Mitch. They are having a conversation.

Female 1 (codename: Valentina). Approx 19yo, Light-blonde straight hair with a purple-pink tint on the end, pale white skin, fat, approx. 1.60m tall. Valentina is wearing a red and black flannel shirt, black leggings and white all-stars converse. From previous interaction with Valentina, I have noticed she has silverfish light-blue eyes. Valentina and Mitch are sitting on the same chair. Valentina has a loud voice and a lower pitch than one would expect from a woman




Mitch, Scott and Valentina are sitting together and engaged in conversation. I find it hard to hear what they are talking about but from the little I can, I hear they are gossiping and making fun of people they know, talking about social media and Tumblr, and commenting on the difficulty of their college assignments. Mitch and Valentina are sitting together on one green lounge chair whilst Scott is sitting on a separate chair right next to them. The players seem to laugh and giggle quite a lot. I do not perceive any romantic interest between the players, but they do seem to be quite fond of each other and do not reject or fear physical contact. Mid-conversation Mitch explains he has to leave so he stands up, hugs and cheek-kisses Valentina, and hugs Scott. Valentina and Scott are still talking but change the conversation topic to how Mitch is adorably cute and very very gay. After a while, they change back to talk about other social media until Valentina explains she has to go. Valentina then stands up, hugs Scott, grabs her bag from the floor and they both leave the stage on opposite directions.


People are fascinating. As a 19 year-old, latino, brown-eyed, brownish skinned, 1.80m tall man living in Canada for the first time of his life; I find it all fascinating as all the variables have made this a once-in-a-lifetime experience. even though all 3 subjects presented different sets of behaviours, there was a larger behavioural similitude between Mitch and Valentina than there was between Scott and either other player; I assume it is because Mitch being a homosexual and Valentina’s masculine physical characteristics alter the power and dominance struggle amongst the group, as Mitch stereotypically has no interest in dominating Valentina and Scott’s dominance is being threatened by the presence of Mitch and the masculine features of Valentina.

Comparing cultural norms on intimacy amongst people I notice that Canadian people will not kiss and hug acquaintances and will limit hugs and kisses to people they trust and find to be very close to. I must note that even though im an acquaintance to both Valentina and Mitch, they did not seem to notice me as they passed by.