I am sitting down on a table at old main, close to where starbuck is. It is tuesday and around 1:15pm. It is very cold outside, around 4 degrees. Inside the whole place smells like coffee, because of starbucks. The smell of coffee is a very warm smell, however where I am sitting Is fairly cold. I can feel a cold breeze every time someone opens the door to go out or come inside the building. There is a lot of people around. The line to get starbuck is pretty long, I believe is like that because is around lunch time. Pretty much every person waiting on the line to get their order is on their phone, killing time. Around the building there is a lot of people sitting down on the tables. Some on their computer doing work, some sitting down chatting with their friends. There is around 80 people just sitting down. And a lot of people just walking by, coming inside and going out of the building. It is very busy however is not too loud.
The first people I am focusing on is a guy and a girl sitting on the left table near me. The guy is in his mid 20’s. I would guess he is not from canada. He has some indian aspect to him. He is dressing very casual, with a black winter jacket. He is sitting across this blonde lady, around the same age. Also dressed very casual with a big winter jacket. He has his coffee in front of him, and I would of guessed he is done with it because he did not touch it at all. He has his arms crossed and paying a lot of attention to what the lady is saying. He quietly listen to her, and does not take his eyes of her. While he also has a coffee in front of her. That she takes a sip every 2 minutes. She is talking very quietly. When she speaks she does not have a lot of face expressions. They look like they were having a normal conversation. Nothing too serious, and nothing too exciting. I have been trying to figure it out if they are a couple or not. But I do not think so, they did not touch hands or had any type of physical connection.
An older couple with a cup of coffee in their hands pushed a chair and sat in front of Startbucks. The older man is around his mid 50’s and the lady around the same age. They both got black winter jacket on. They sat and immediately went on their phones. Until another old man started talking to them and sat with them. As he seats he takes his winter jacket off. That man is also around the same age. They all started talking. The lady talked more than the 2 older men. But only one of them was paying attention. The other one keep looking around very slowly. They all had their coffee on the table and they were drinking the coffee very slowly. That older group were talking very soft and they were drinking their coffee slow. They were talking their time to talk and drink their coffee, different than this other group of girls that I was observing after.
There were this 2 asian girls sitting down. One of them is wearing a very stylish pink sweater. On the table she got her hands on her hello kitty cup with tea on it. The other asian girl seats across from her. Also wearing very stylish clothes. She has a starbucks cup with water on it sitting on the table. Beside it she has 2 phones stacked together. They are both around the same age, 19 or younger. They are both talking and I can not understand the language. They are both pretty loud talking, and laughing a lot. The one in the pink play a lot with her hair and the one in the black fixes her bangs a lot too. I could not understand the language but I could have a sense of the conversation because of her hand movements. The one in the black was the one that talked the most. As she was talking her hands would articulate was she was saying. It almost looked like she was speaking sign language. The one in the pink listen very carefully. The one in the pink notices one of her friends walking by. She screams her name. That friend has a toque and as she seem them she smiles immediately and walks towards them. The one in the black also knows her. She talked about her jacket as she was touching it and feeling the fabric. The girl with the toque on approaches the table beside it. And asked a lady that was sitting by herself if she was using the other chair. The lady said no, so she dragged the chair and sat with the other asian girls. They all started to talk very loudly and laugh a lot.
According to some researchers sometime humans can not control their emotions and their body’s response to that, it naturally happens. (Thoits, 1989: 319). In this case the girls talking loud and laughing a lot. Also some researchers found out a clear pattern to laughter: that women laugh way more often than men do. (Provine, 2000). In my observation I notice a bog different between age and the sex of the group of people having a conversation. The old couple they were quiet and took their time drinking their coffee. The group of girl were laughing a lot and talking loud with a lot excitement.

Isadora sena